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Cute Critters by Mary Jane Begin


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Cute Critters by Mary Jane Begin(圖1)-速報App

Enjoy these gorgeous and whimsical animal illustrations from famed (and amazing) children's book author and illustrator, Mary Jane Begin. Insert her stickers into your messages or apply to your photos for an extra special level of cuteness!!

Cute Critters by Mary Jane Begin(圖2)-速報App

Mary Jane Begin is a Senior Critic in the Illustration Department at the Rhode Island School of Design (RISD), where she has taught for twenty-four years and serves as the Internship + Professional Development Advisor. Born and based in Rhode Island, Mary Jane is an award-winning illustrator and author known for her acclaimed picture books; Little Mouse’s Painting, A Mouse Told His Mother, The Sorcerer’s Apprentice and Willow Buds, tales inspired by The Wind in the Willows, a classic tale that she also illustrated. Mary Jane also wrote and illustrated her latest picture book, My Little Pony: Under the Sparking Sea published by Little Brown and Company in collaboration with Hasbro, with a new book in the series, The Dragons on Dazzle Island, published in September 2016.

Cute Critters by Mary Jane Begin(圖3)-速報App

Mary Jane's client list includes Hasbro, Celestial Seasonings, Mead Johnson and Disney. She is the recipient of many awards, including the Steven Donahos Award and multiple Certificates of Merit from the Society of Illustrators, multiple Awards of Excellence from Communications Arts, the Irma Simonton Black Award, and the Critici Erba Prize at the Bologna Book Fair.

Cute Critters by Mary Jane Begin(圖4)-速報App

Cute Critters by Mary Jane Begin(圖5)-速報App

To learn more about Mary Jane and her work, visit www.MaryJaneBegin.com

支援平台:iPhone, iPad